For the Parents

Usually, my minute is for the Scouts.  I present a point to ponder, or perhaps a fable.  Tonight, this minute is for you, the parents of the Scouts.  It’s also a bit longer than 60 seconds.

I have a great gig here; I get to observe your sons.

A boy comes here to be a Scout.  Squirrelly, forgetful and for many, dare I say, shy?  As he progresses from Scout to First class, he changes and grows.  Internalizing the Scout Oath and Law, he learns invaluable survival skills like cooking and navigation as well as more advanced skills on how to react in emergencies.

In short, basic life skills.  How to be a decent human being and the beginnings of leadership.  No longer shy and hesitant but rather, confident and knowledgeable.

The next phase is my favorite to observe.  Namely, the progression through Star and Life to Eagle.  This is also the hardest progression to master.  It is not easy to be a leader.  Nor is it just one meeting once a week.

This is where you parents come in.  Behind every successful scout there is a supportive parent.  The path to Eagle is a journey more like a marathon, less like a sprint.  Each rank along the way requires your guidance and support.  Notice I didn’t say you doing it for them.

Know that Scouting is a hard master, demanding both dedication and participation.  As you’ve heard Mr. McFadyen say “scOUTING is 3/4 outing” (count the letters and you’ll get it)  There are no half-hearted successful Scouts.  Don’t feel sorry for them.  They have chosen not to merely attend Scout meetings but to be a Scout.  It is not something you do, it is something you are.  Instead, help your Scout live up to their potential: Push a little, encourage a lot and above all, show that you too, are committed and get involved in the troop.  If you haven’t already done so, let Mr. Friedrich know how you can help.

Volunteers are seldom paid; not because they are worthless, rather because they are PRICELESS.

Abraham Lincoln is purported to have said: He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.

Goodnight, God Bless, see you  next week.


< At the Court of Honor >

About ScoutMaster

Eagle Scout - January 1974 - Troop 287 - Mechanicsburg, PA {***} Vigil Honor - June 1980 - Camp Hidden Valley, PA
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