Good Luck or Bad? It’s Your Choice

In 1862 there were no motorized vehicles.

A farmer was working in his field when his only horse broke the corral fence and escaped.  His neighbor said what a terrible thing, such unfortunate luck, I feel so bad for you.  The farmer replied it’s just an event, I don’t know if it is good or bad.   Fortunately it wasn’t when he needed plow the fields. Still, it was his only horse.

About 10 days later he was working in his fields and noticed that the horse had returned to the corral and that 10 wild horses had followed him in.  He quickly went to work repairing the break in the fence.  As he got close to finishing, his neighbor wandered over and commented.  Man are you ever lucky!  You now have your horse back and 10 more, that’s awesome.  The farmer replied it’s just an event, I don’t know if it is good or bad.  Life is just a series of events.

Shortly thereafter, his son began breaking the wild horses, taming them so they could be used on the farm.  He had successfully broken nine and was working on the last horse.  It was late in the day when the horse threw his son violently to the ground breaking his leg.  He was now unable to help work the farm.  His neighbor said what a terrible thing, such unfortunate luck, I feel so bad for you.  The farmer replied: I don’t know if it is good or bad, it’s just an event in my life.

A couple of weeks later, Confederate generals came to town and drafted all of the young men in town to fight in the war, except for his son.  As it turned out, all of them died at the battle of Gettysburg…

So what is the moral?  As I mentioned last week, your attitude determines how you do in life.  As things happen to you or around you, it is your choice as to how you react to them.   Do you blow up?  Do you hang your head in defeat?  Do you hold your head up and continue forward?  The choice is yours.

About ScoutMaster

Eagle Scout - January 1974 - Troop 287 - Mechanicsburg, PA {***} Vigil Honor - June 1980 - Camp Hidden Valley, PA
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