Key to Scouting

I have here in my hand a key – a small item as you can see. Yet it will open the door to my car, and when properly placed and turned it will start the engine. With this little key I can visit faraway places, see wonderful sights, and do so many things that were impossible a generation ago. Is it any wonder that I always carry this key with me?  I’ve been to Loon Lake and Yosemite, San Diego and Santa Cruz often with a half-dozen Scouts, Soccer players or students.

Your Boy Scout Handbook is a lot like my car key. I have one here from when I was your age back in 19-“long-ago”.  It is a small item, not quite as small as the key, yet it will open the door to Scouting and will speed you on your way to adventure. Sure, you probably could get by without using your handbook. I could get by without my car key, too, but I’d have to walk and it would be slow. I certainly wouldn’t get to see all those places I can reach by car. Let’s not leave our key behind as we enjoy Scouting. Use your handbook regularly. Take it with you to meetings and on hikes and camping trips.  Let your handbook open the door for you.

About ScoutMaster

Eagle Scout - January 1974 - Troop 287 - Mechanicsburg, PA {***} Vigil Honor - June 1980 - Camp Hidden Valley, PA
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