Make your Plan

Sometimes we need to slow down and concentrate on what we are doing.  Perhaps we rush because we want to save time and unfortunately we actually end up spending more time.

What is interesting is that taking more time to begin with actually saves time in the long run.

Have you ever rushed to build a fire only to have to start over again because you forget enough tinder or kindling ready?

Hurrying almost always makes things take longer.

If you don’t have time to do it correctly now, how will you find time to do it over again?

What about the expression: Haste makes waste?  Or slow and steady wins the race?  How about Ben Franklin’s famous saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?  Or an expression I learned on my submarine:  (Incomplete) Proper Prior Planning Prevents P**** Poor Propulsion Plant Performance.

Here are two Scouting examples:

If you are a younger scout working towards First class, plan what things you want to get signed off at the next meeting or campout and Prepare. 

If you are an older scout working towards Eagle, the process is to plan your project before you start asking for money or help.   Prepare

On the count of three I want you all to shout out the Scout Motto… 1, 2, 3:     Make your plan

About ScoutMaster

Eagle Scout - January 1974 - Troop 287 - Mechanicsburg, PA {***} Vigil Honor - June 1980 - Camp Hidden Valley, PA
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