Flag Retirement Ceremony

There is a Flag Retirement Ceremony at the Elks Lodge coming up in July. It is a big event with the Police, Firemen, disabled Veterans, and the Marine Corps.
They need our help!  At least 7 scouts are needed to help with this important event. We will be carrying in the Flags and saying the a few short lines (I will receive a document of the lines and procedures, shortly). We will also be required to Usher disabled veterans to their seats. Afterwards we will cut stripes from retired Flags and hand them out to the guests. 
It is on Saturday, July 6th from 11am-1pm at the Elks Lodge 444 West Alma Avenue. Wear full Class A, Class B, and decent scouting pants.
They are serving us lunch afterwards, and we are also allowed to use their pool facility. If you have never attended a flag retirement ceremony, I encourage you to have the experience. 

Email grant@kerlp.com with questions.

About Shreyas Ramaswamy

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